My Calendar

MHR's Year End Promotion

Salam dari Daffodil Cake

Dear bakers,

Happy New Year to DC's frens. Thank you for visiting DC. DC is proud to announce our special class - Cake Decorating Class with Fondant -Rustic Cake with Fruits Theme, Birthday Theme and Wedding Theme... n d latest edition for this month is... "Hey, Lets have fun baking!!" Feel free to browse through our schedule below. DC still welcomes any personal class request n please make an appointment with DC in at least a week before the class date. Love to see u dear...Thanks dear!!

DC decides to upgrade and standardize d quality of our baking n cupcake deco class. Our reason is focus more on cuppycake deco. This will result in splitting the Fondant n Buttercream class n w.e.f 1s January 2011, they will named as Basic Cupcake Decorating with Fondant and Basic Cupcake Decorating with Buttercream. Thanks dear!!

Kindly visit our price page to get our price in details.. Happy surfing dear...

Masliana's Homemade Recipe


Class Schedule for February 2011

1. Basic Cupcake Decorating With Buttercream Class

Time: 10.30am to 1pm
Fee: RM160

2. Basic Cupcake Decorating With Fondant Class

Time: 10.30am to 1pm
Fee: RM160

2. Basic Cake Decorating with Fondant (Special Class)

a) Birthday Cake - 7
b) Rustic Cake with Fruits -
c) Wedding Cake -

Time: 10.30am to 3pm
Fee: RM250.00 (except for WC - RM300)

3. Basic Cake Decorating With Buttercream

Time: 10.30am to 1pm
Fee: RM200.00

4. Hey, lets have fun baking!! Baby Shower Theme**

Time: 10.30am to 1pm
Fee: RM160.00

**This is special class as it requires a group of two or four in order to enroll for this ones. So let's find your buddy to join for this class!!

5. Steamed Moist Choc-Cheese Cake & Melting Moment Cookies (upon request only)

Book now n pay RM50 to confirm d attendance. The balance should be paid 3 days before d class date. Thanks dear!!

Birthday Danish

Inilah yang ditempah oleh my sis for her son's birthday...unfortunately x sempat nak snap cuppies for danish sebab siap deco dah tengah malam..mata pulak mengantuk..hehe...esoknya dah kena hantar ke sekolah dia kat Sungai Besi...anyway, cuppies tu ade yang kena buat untuk his lil sister jugak..kalau x...merajukla si baby tu...DINI INSYIRAH.. so gambar cuppies dia jer yg sempat ambik..very simple decoration with fondant...take a look..

1st Class for basic cupcakes

Thanks to the first two participants (my good friends) for my basic cupcakes class...Kelly and Maznah. I managed to finish it within three hours. Unfortunately, i didn't snap their pictures decorating d cuppies...=( Maznah was rushing back to Pontian after class.. after all we had a good times and thanks again....the picture of cuppis will be uploaded soon....=) cupcakes ni pun x sempat nak susun elok2...inilah yang sempat kitaorang hias..

My first attempt

These are d outcomes of my first attempt after d class last time...frankly, i'd no ideas working on these i used buttercream for topping n it seems that i need more n more practices..huhuhu